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i agree with bmp: Show tonight!...or whatever

Khaki Snack works toward AMS mutiny

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Show tonight!...or whatever

We'll probably play that song where we compare Ethan Rabbidoux to facist dictators again. Even Ethan laughed... I didn't notice whether it was a diabolical laugh or not, but either way.

Anyhow, Dave Hesch is playing, and I think we're opening up for Whiskey Steve and the Steves and Average Lime. At very least you'll see a funny band name and guys with pierced ears.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What time does the show start?

4:06 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will Chris Provan be playing the slow dance?

4:07 PM

Blogger db said...

mmm, i'm guessing 9:45 dave h. will go on.

just a guess. that provan told me.

4:20 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

when you laugh I pee too. You're not alone.

11:21 PM

Blogger DJ said...

god i seriously hate you guys.


why cant you be more serious - i see you guys going places if you would just move into the three doors down mold....

5:22 PM


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