Provan hates pants
Well... it was that kind of night at Stages. They held a surprise wet T-shirt contest. A friend of mine was in it..which was weird enough to begin with, but then half way through Provan storms the stage and gets booked by the bouncer. Cool, whatever, I'm laughing, it breaks the awkward tension. Next thing you know it's the finals, and Provan returns to the stage, this time with his pants around his ankles! Boy did he get kicked out of Stages! About 30 minutes later I tracked him down, and sure enough-he's alive! All in all, it was a happy birthday for Mr. Provan.
Also, there were two other teams there, and both treated Provan really well! Thanks TMN and DSP! Provan's a little less deceased because of you guys.
Word: strew
Inflected Form(s): strewed; strewed or strewn; strewing
Etymology: Middle English strewen, strowen, from Old English strewian, strEowian; akin to Old High German strewen to strew, Latin struere to heap up, sternere to spread out, Greek stornynai
1 : to spread by scattering
2 : to cover by or as if by scattering something [strewing the highways with litter]
3 : to become dispersed over as if scattered
4 : to spread abroad : DISSEMINATE [bah?!?]
I hope that this helps you, pixie. And I also hope it helped YOU, blog reader. The English language is a precious thing, let's keep the torch of knowledge held high and burning brightly!
10:09 AM
Wow. Provan's so dreamy.
10:18 AM
I'd hit it like it owed me money.
11:11 AM
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6:06 PM
Ok, so I removed a post - I didn't know what that little button did, so I pressed it - note to all of you, it deletes posts....ooops.
6:43 PM
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