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i agree with bmp: Want a Blue Man for Less Green?

Khaki Snack works toward AMS mutiny

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Want a Blue Man for Less Green?

Yeah, so today was weird. We had a satellite question and answer with people at the castle...there were 10 of them. The long time delay made things even more awkward. Dave carried us by making castle puns and talking aobut moats.

Yesterday we had our Golden Words interview. And then today we had our pictures taken. Most of the time it was just Provan talking about being sexy. Also, we officially unveiled our stance as the first AMS excutive candidates openly and admittedly AGAINST necrophilia.

Back to Arrested Development...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What exactly is your position on waffles/genocide?

12:22 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope all the candidates reveal their platforms on that particularly crucial issue.
If you put team bmp and you together, this university is gonna be bumpin'.

12:27 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good point anonymous,

On that note, I guess I have a followup question. Although we know you are openly against necrophilia, does that include bumping/grinding with dead people? If so, the slogan should probably be, "If you put team bmp and you together, this university is gonna be bumpin', but not with dead people." I wouldn't want voters to get the wrong impression.

12:34 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for bumpin', but you do raise a good point that there should be restrictions implimented on bumpin' in excess. There should be a clause for bumpin' with little boys, known as the Micheal Jackson clause. It should state: "You shouldn of done that. It was just a boy. Poor lil feller."

12:45 AM

Blogger db said...

WOW! I will use that. Please feel free to continue contributing ideas.

On the topic of dancing with dead people, we understand that it's a reality, but would stress that limits and guidelines should be followed. In Weekend at Bernies 2, when Bernie gets put under a voodoo spell, he dances up a storm, leads a conga line, and passes out on the beach with a female friend. But it was innocent stargazing that took place, and nothing more. Bernie and female friend did not go to the hotel room- that would have been innapropriate.

PS Waffles Good, Genocide Bad

12:46 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Although I am not currently informed of your agenda towards cannibalism, might I suggest the following if you are not in favour of cannibalism.

"Save a dead person, eat a waffle".

Or I guess if you guys are in favour of cannibalism, it could be like, "The only thing better than waffles and syrup is waffles and dead people", although you may lose out on votes from the ever important segment of students who run syrup refineries out of their basements.

12:54 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about changing the Queen's song from the Oil Thigh to "the scatman"? Could you image how fantastic it would be to hear the Queen's band playing an intrumental version of scatman and all the ironic dancing that would possibly ensue? I can, and it's fantastic.
Also, will your milkshake bring all the boys to the yard? Discuss.

12:57 AM

Blogger db said...

Scatman is too introspective to be the Queen's song. Scat is so much more than a school song meant to be sung by drunken sport enthusiats.

Tina Turner's "Simply the Best", however, stands a chance.

If we were canabalism entusiats, we could comine it with our anti-necrophilia sentiments to create the slogan "Don't play with your food" ...but we aren't

1:03 AM

Blogger db said...

...and while neither my, nor our collective milkshakes have ever brought the boys to the yard, i feel it has the potential to do so down the road. Damn Right.

1:05 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard that once your mom's milkshake brought Robbie Alomar to her yard. And I think George Bell and Kelly Gruber were there as well or something, but the rumor gets a little fuzzy at that point, (there might have been a pine tar/baseball bat/chewing tobacco thing happening as well). But you should seriously try to get Robbie Alomar to be your spokesman or something, he would probably spit on all the other candidates and I think everyone would have a good laugh, except for Tyler Turnball, who would have missed out on getting spit on by Robbie Alomar by only one year. How cruel.

1:12 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Spitting on people in this kind of weather is just plain mean. Once it freezes to your face, you're spit covered till you can run home and cry about it. Which isn't actually tears but thawing spit.
We should wait till it gets warmer till we start spitting on people OR come up with a contingency plan to ensure warmth all year around. May I suggest that we sacrifice a virgin in grant hall to appease the sun god Ra whenever the temperature drops below freezing? Purhaps we could include a manditory AMS "sacrifice" fee for Queen's virgins.

1:21 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, the old thinktank is drained for one night. Questions? Comments? Concerns? Go "f" a fence.
I look forward to further team campaigning Monday night at clark. I will be there as a proud member of the gentleman's club. To clarify, because I know team bmp does not want any bad press, ladies are also more than welcome.

1:30 AM


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